
18 December 2015

#52Ancestors - Week 51 - Nice

Week 51 (December 17-23) – Nice. Define “nice” however you want to

This week I am writing about a young man I met on my recent visit to Wales. As he is underage and still alive, (Praise the Lord!) I have received his parent's permission to write about him. Most of the photos that are in this post belong to him

I would like to introduce you to Dylan Dempsey Thomas, my 1st cousin twice removed (grandson of my 1st cousin). Officially his name is Dylan Thomas, but while I was in Wales he decided to adopt the middle name of Dempsey - the same middle name as his uncle, his great grandfather and family name of his great-great grandmother.

So what makes Dylan so nice?

Let's start with his recent Facebook post:
Dear Santa,
I want for Christmas a bike, new iPhone 6s, iPad Air, Segway, football. Stuff all that... all I want for Christmas is a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
Please copy and post as a status if you would rather a scientist to find a cure for Duchenne🎗

Click here to read about DMD

When I first met Dylan in late October 2015, he had bags of these wrist bands - he was fundraising to help find a cure for DMD:

Since then he has:

  • Run a raffle - here is one of the prizes:

  • Had a table at a Christmas Fayre:

  • Hosted a cake stall at his school

  • Sold numerous DMD items

  • And with the help of his school has organised a non-uniform day to end the school year

To date he has raised over £780 ($1600 in Aussie dollars).

My thoroughly nice cousin, Dylan, also had his fundraising efforts featured on the Wales Online website

One thing to remember in all this, Dylan is only 12!

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